Barrett's Esophagus

Essential Resource For Barrett's Esophagus

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Diet For Acid Reflux

With Project Diet Acid Reflux, I will attempt to both provide you a basic diet to which you can adhere to improve your acid reflux symptoms and I will try to address the myths and truths of how various foods contribute to your heartburn or to your relief. This page related to the symptoms of GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus will evolve, grow and change over

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Wine and Acid Reflux

So you always understood that wine and acid reflux just aren’t supposed to mix, right? Well, some recent research may suggest otherwise. As many wine lovers who also suffer from acid reflux will attest, alcoholic beverages aren’t the easiest on the stomach. The phrase wine acid reflux is almost a term in itself; the combination of alcohol and the acidity of the wine make for

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